How did the Russia-Ukraine war affect the world economy?


  • Leleanna Shamakhia International Black Sea University

Ключові слова:

Russia-Ukraine war, economy, impacts and consequences of the war, conflict, supply and demand


Over the years of human development, states have exercised various forms of governance, endured numerous disputes, lived under pressures, and learned how to deal with difficulties through negotiation and persuasion. After the birth of diplomacy, states mastered solving problems and maximizing national interests without resorting to violence, and they even began to promote order and peace in this chaotic world. Consensus, cooperation, and negotiation are not, however, the top priorities of all states. That is why there is both hard and soft power, cohesion and dissension, war and peace in the world. Russia is one of the states that sets priorities to imperialism and appears to be a major threat for many developing and even developed states.


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Секція 2. Сучасні міжнародні процеси та зовнішня політика України