Peculiarities of the development of the tourism sphere in Türkiye


  • Anastasia Shemchyk Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

Słowa kluczowe:

Türkiye; economics; tourism business; tourist infrastructure


However, according to official ratings, among the countries with the largest share of tourism in 2022, Türkiye, which belongs to medium-developed countries and where this industry is a fairly important component of the economy, occupies a significant place. Tourism plays an important role in stimulating the economic development of Türkiye, brings significant benefits to the country’s economy and generally helps to improve its image at the regional and national levels. The Republic of Türkiye attracts tourists with its rich history, unusually beautiful landscapes, warm climate, and extremely developed tourist infrastructure. Türkiye has been an important tourist centre for many years, this industry is quite resistant to various crises, its growth dynamics can be observed compared to its neighbouring states, whose economies are gradually collapsing, Türkiye looks like a stable and creditworthy state. Also, according to the report of the World Economic Forum, according to the index of global competitiveness, Türkiye is among the top 50 countries.


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