Bilateral relations between Ukraine and Poland


  • Ivan Havrysh Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University


collective memory; typical problems; common vision


The relations between Poland and Ukraine began many years ago. When one thinks of Polish-Ukrainian relations, history immediately comes to mind. It is a long record which impacts current policies of both countries in numerous ways. On the one hand, turbulent and complicated history of both nations in the XX century is a part of collective memory in both countries, something witnessed by people at the distance of two-three generations. Epochal events at the end of World War I have been interconnected with struggle for independence of both Poland and Ukraine on the remnants of former large European empires. The results were different, for a number of reasons, but along the way several dramatic episodes – like clashes over Lviv or joint struggle against Soviet Russia, ended with the Riga Agreement in 1921 – took place, and they continue to shape mutual perception of Poles and Ukrainians.


Посольство України в Республіці Польща. URL:

Відносини України та Польщі перейшли на найвищий рівень. Урядовий кур’єр. URL:

Україна і Польща відкривають нову сторінку у спільній історії – дипломати. Укрінформ. 08.05.2022. URL:


